Successful Breastfeeding
Successful Breastfeeding Class
Do you have questions about how to start breastfeeding?
Are you worried about not having enough milk or having sore nipples?
Are you concerned about how to return to work while breastfeeding?
Do you wonder how to balance sleep and breastfeeding at night?
Do you want to feel confident to breastfeed successfully?
In our Successful Breastfeeding Class, you will learn about:
what the Bible says about breastfeeding
benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby
breastfeeding right after birth, skin-to-skin with baby, and the breast crawl
supply and demand, positioning, and feeding cues
how often, how long, and how much to breastfeed
how to position the baby to get a deep latch to successfully breastfeed
how to know if baby is getting enough
breastfeeding at night, infant sleep, and attachment parenting
harvesting prenatal colostrum
how to hand express colostrum or breastmilk
how to prepare for returning to work and tips for working and breastfeeding
breastmilk pumping, collection and storage
how to increase your milk supply, tips for leaking
how to prevent and treat sore nipples, breast engorgement, and breast infection
Sign up today for our Successful Breastfeeding Class!
On-Demand Video Classes to Watch at Your Convenience
11 Lessons at the Low Introductory Price of only $39
Learn all the latest tips for successful breastfeeding! You can be ready for: the first feeding, how to get the baby latched on, nighttime feedings, colostrum harvesting, pumping, returning to work, how to increase your milk supply, and more!